Many times when a kitten is tested for feline immunodeficiency virus the test results will show a false positive. This is why it is important that pet owners wait 60 days before getting their kitten retested.
All cats that test positive should be retested because of the false positive.
Know that a year ago I took in an FIV feline immunodeficiency virus kitten because the woman who owned it did not want the cat, she did not want to learn more about the feline disease she told me to take the kitten or she would take it to the humane society. I knew that our area shelter would euthanize the kitten so I said I would take it and find it a forever home.
Finding homes for FIV kittens is difficult because, like the cat owner, people think FIV is a death sentence or an indication that the cat is sickly. Not one person wanted to learn more they just said no to me and would not adopt the kitten.
I ended up socializing the kitten with my adult FIV cat named Sam. This was not hard at all, Sam was one happy cat and the two became best of friends.
Know that the kitten had been to the veterinarian a few times, had gotten her spay and her rabies shot and all was well. But the following year when I was told that she need her annual shots I asked if it was necessary since she was FIV positive. My veterinarian had no record of her being tested, so I told them of her history. I did not have the paperwork but the former owner was adamant about the cat's disease. I agreed to have her tested for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus.
Both tests came back negative.
The kitten when she was tested showed a positive but it was false. I have no reason not to believe the former owner, as she was upset about the diagnosis of the cat and called me immediately when she had gotten the test results. Learn more about kittens with FIV and false positives here.
About False Positive FIV Tests
Quote: “Because few, if any, cats ever eliminate infection, the presence of antibody indicates that a cat is infected with FIV. This test can be performed by most veterinary diagnostic laboratories and also is available in kit form for use in veterinary clinics. Since false-positive results may occur, veterinarians recommend that positive results be confirmed using a test with a different format.
Infected mother cats transfer FIV antibodies to nursing kittens, so kittens born to infected mothers may receive positive test results for several months after birth. However, few of these kittens actually are or will become infected. To clarify their infection status, kittens younger than six months of age receiving positive results should be retested at 60-day intervals until they are at least six months old.” End Quote Veterinarian Medicine Cornell education, health information on FIV