I started this blog; Feline Leukemia and other cat conditions and treatment tips in April of 2009. That is when I first learned that Sam was infected. Since then I have received messages from people all over the world and I know that this blog has helped cat owners and has saved cat lives. I write about my cat Sam's life and how I have cared for him I share the products that I used to build up his immune system which enabled him to eliminate the feline Leukemia virus in the 3rd phase.
In 2009 when Sam was diagnosed the veterinarian was insistent that we euthanize him, he said it was best for the cat and for us, and it would spare us from suffering. As I type these words I am watching Sam out of the corner of my eye, he went into the guest bathroom and was Mr. busy cat, he got a roll of toilet paper and he is decorating my office and is having the best time. Sam is alive today because I said NO to euthanasia. Sometimes you just have to listen to your heart and have a little faith in yourself, your cat and in God.
I want to thank all of you who have supported this blog, and I would like to thank Virginia and Mecca the Community Manager at eHow.com for believing in my cause.